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T-Bone Walker - The Truth (Vinyl LP - 1968 - US - Reissue)

T-Bone Walker - The Truth (Vinyl LP - 1968 - US - Reissue)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr1968
  • PressungReissue
  • Musiklabel8th
  • Katalog-Nr.ETH754126-LP
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretT-Bone Walker
  • MusiktitelThe Truth
  • EAN00706091805417
  • Artikelnr.355694997942
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Aaron Thebeaux "T-Bone" Walker was all but destined for performance from the start. After all both of his parents were musicians, who taught him how to play guitar, ukulele, banjo, violin, mandolin, and piano. He was even an early protege of Blind Lemon Jefferson, who was a friend of the family, and often came over to dinner. Walker began performing blues music during the late 1920s and early 1930s, cutting his first singles, while performing as a sideman across the country, often performing alongside Blind Lemon Jefferson himself, as well as contemporaries like Douglas Fernell, Big Jim Wynn, and Charlie Christian.

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